


Need Specification

Functional documentation

In this document, we identify and specify the needs and requirements (both implicit and explicit) that the XR Sign Translating Platform must fulfill. We also identify the main reasons for its potential evolution and address the following questions: (i) Why does the need exist? (Pourquoi le besoin existe-t-il?) (ii) What could cause the need to evolve? (Qu’est-ce qui pourrait faire évoluer le besoin ?)
(iii) What could make the need disappear? (Qu’est-ce qui pourrait faire disparaître le besoin ?)
(iv) For what purpose does the need exist? (Le besoin existe dans quel but?). Additionally, we provide user stories, indicating more specific needs. By understanding and addressing these needs, the XR Sign Translating Platform can be designed and developed to fulfill its intended purpose while remaining adaptable to future changes and requirements.


SRS Need specification.docx (173 ko) SRS Need specification.docx Jean B Nsekuye, 20/07/2024 18:34