


Feature #286

Need Specification

Ajouté par Jean B Nsekuye il y a 2 mois. Mis à jour il y a 2 mois.

In Progress
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In this stage, we identify and specify the needs and requirements that the system must fulfill. It includes gathering input from stakeholders and defining the user needs and constraints: (i) Product Perspective: Describe the system's environment, its relationship with other systems, and its place within the larger ecosystem. (ii) Product Functions: Summarize the primary functions that the XR-STP will perform, such as real-time sign language translation and compatibility with existing XR software. (iii) User Characteristics: Define the different types of users, including their roles, skills, and experience levels. (iv) Constraints: Outline limitations or constraints that might affect the system, such as hardware requirements, regulatory constraints, and performance limitations. (v) Assumptions and Dependencies: Specify any assumptions made during the requirements gathering process and any dependencies on other systems or components.



Mis à jour par Jean B Nsekuye il y a 2 mois

  • Statut changé de New à In Progress
  • Assigné à mis à Issam Douhhou
  • % réalisé changé de 0 à 30

The Need Specification phase identifies and specifies the implicit and explicit needs and requirements that the XR-STP must fulfill. This stage also addresses the main reasons for the system's potential evolution by answering questions like “Why does the need exist?”, “What could cause the need to evolve?”, “What could make the need disappear?”, and “For what purpose does the need exist?”. This involves a thorough analysis of user and stakeholder needs, considering both current and future scenarios. By prioritizing these needs and understanding the underlying motivations, this phase ensures that the system is designed to meet essential requirements and can adapt to changing circumstances.


Mis à jour par Issam Douhhou il y a 2 mois

  • Tâche parente #285 supprimé

Mis à jour par Jean B Nsekuye il y a 2 mois

  • % réalisé changé de 30 à 100

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