


System Definition

Functional documentation

The System Definition document provides an understanding and definition of the overall scope and context of the XR Sign Translating Platform (XR-STP). It sets the groundwork for more detailed specifications by answering key questions such as “What will the system do and not do?”, “To whom does the system provide service?”, “What does the system act upon?”, and “For what purpose?”. It includes: (i) Overview: providing a high-level overview of the system, its objectives, and benefits; (ii) System Boundary and Environment: identifying the system boundary and environment by defining all actors in contact with the product and its relationship with other systems; (iii) What the System Will Not Do; (iv) Evolution and Disappearance: describing the system's potential evolution and disappearance; (v) User Characteristics: defining the characteristics of different types of users, including their roles, skills, and experience levels.; (vi) Constraints: outline constraints such as hardware requirements, regulatory constraints, and performance limitations; and (vii) Assumptions and dependencies: provide foundational assumptions and dependencies for guiding the project's direction and decision-making process.


SRS System Definition.docx (166 ko) SRS System Definition.docx Jean B Nsekuye, 20/07/2024 18:28